U.S. Army to consider new enlisted rank–Private Major

November 27, 2012

Seeing a need for adequate leadership and representation among the junior enlisted soldiers, the U.S. Army is considering adopting a new enlisted rank.

Private Major.

“The U.S. Army feels that the junior enlisted need to have a way to address their issues and concerns, along with leadership to encourage more to re-enlist and to even consider the Army a career,” said Command Sergeant Major Larry Gillman.

Specifically, the Army is considering two ranks of private major:

Command Private Major (CPM) — In charge of all junior enlisted on a particular base (Fort Sill, Okla.) or, given the circumstances, a particular unit (First Cavalry Division).

Private Major of the Army (PMA) — The highest-ranking junior enlisted soldier in the Army. He or she would outrank all CPMs. The PMA would be stationed at U.S. Army headquarters in Washington, D.C. and would travel around consulting with CPMs regarding Army policy.

Gillman added that the private majors’ rank would be an E-3, although the PMA is being considered to have an E-4 ranking. Maximum time in service allowed for private major is six months. Following service, the privates major would then be promoted to E-5 sergeant.

Post comments here or e-mail ponderingsfrompluto@gmail.com.

Instant replay available in MLB in 2013–for Yankees only

November 14, 2012

THE BRONX, N.Y. — Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig announced on Wednesday that instant replay will be available for baseball in the 2013.

But, it will be exclusively for the New York Yankees only.

“We are making instant replay exclusively accessible to the Yankees so we can study it more acutely to determine if the rest of baseball would benefit from it,” Selig said in a statement at Yankee Stadium. “I am confident the rest of baseball will understand this decision.”

The decision did not set well with the Baltimore Orioles.  

“They should either make instant replay available for all teams, or for none of them!” said Davey Johnson, who managed the Orioles during the infamous 1996 season when, during Game 1 of the American League Championship Series against the Yankees, a fly ball that Yankee fan Jeffrey Maier reached out into the field of play to catch was ruled a home run instead of fan interference.

Would it have been ruled fan interference had instant replay been used?

“Absolutely,” Johnson replied.

The decision to give the Yankees exclusive use of instant replay is one the Bronx Bombers have applauded.

“This is a wonderful decision,” said Hank Steinbrenner, current part-owner of the Yankees and son of the late longtime Yankees owner George Steinbrenner. “I mean, we’ve won 27 World Series but none since 2009. This three-year drought is absolutely unacceptable and a complete embarrassment. If my father were alive, heads would roll. We intend to use instant replay as often as possible to ensure we win as many games as possible.”

(Note: Ponderings From Pluto did not bother asking the Boston Red Sox their opinion of this ruling since the answer would’ve been both unprintable and obvious)

Is it fair for the Yankees be given exclusive use of instant replay? Post comments here or e-mail ponderingsfrompluto@gmail.com.