Pluto–isn’t that the former planet?

My name’s Richard Zowie, but sometimes I post under the name C.F. Twob (a pseudonym based on a college friend once telling me I looked like a Canadian Fur Trapper Without a Beard), and welcome to my Ponderings from Pluto blog!

Yeah, yeah, I know the International Astronomical Union voted in 2006 to demote Pluto to minor planet status. Whatever. To me, it is and will always be a planet. If you really wanted to break things down, you could find arguments to disqualify virtually all the “planets” from planet hood. Jupiter’s a gas giant that is more a failed star than a planet. Earth encounters meteor showers all the time and can be argued that it doesn’t clear its own path through space.

Pluto takes about 248 years to travel around that fiery angry ball called the sun, except that from Pluto’s surface the sun is a small bright point of light in the sky–when it’s not being blocked by Charon, one of three Plutonian moons (Nix and Hydra being the others). A day on Pluto is about six earth-days in length. In other words, if a new day started on Pluto on a Sunday, it would take until Saturday for the next day to begin. If my calcuations are right, a year on Pluto consists of 15,086 “days”. That would be a calendar to see, wouldn’t it?

That being said, Ponderings from Pluto is a satirical look at our world where everything is subject to being viewed from an outrageous, comical perspective. The idea is that this form of satire seems so absurd it could’ve only been conceived from a pondering on tiny distant Pluto. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

And just remember: this is satire. None of the events posted here are real. At least we’re pretty sure they’re not.

2 Responses to Pluto–isn’t that the former planet?

  1. You might also be interested in knowning that only four percent of the IAU voted to demote Pluto and most of them are not planetary scientists. Conversely, many planetary scientists do not belong to the IAU and had no say in the matter. The IAU vote was immediately opposed in a petition of 300 professional astronomers led by Dr. Alan Stern, Principal Investigator of NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto. This is very much still an ongoing debate, and many astronomers still do view Pluto as a planet.

  2. uygygh says:

    arf arf arf joke lang

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